Friday, February 27, 2009

Michael Tsarion`s Origins and Oracles: The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media

from: Michaels Tsarion`s : Origins and Oracles 22DVD-Series

Program 6:
The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media - DVD 1-3

Dauer: ~ 500min | Format: XviD | Grˆfle: 3800 MB | IMDb | NFO
Download: DVD1-3 @ (ONLY ccf, dlc, rsdf)
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Passwort: Uploader: Rasul

Releasetitel: The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media (DVDRip) by Rasul
Genre: Serien, Doku, Special

Signs and symbols control the world, not phrases and laws - Confucius (551-479 BC)

ï Why are the youth so delinquent, in these days of affluence and plenty?
ï Why do over 70 percent of the products we buy have names that mean nothing in English?
ï What are the occult techniques used by corporations and governments to manipulate thought and control behavior?
ï In this so-called Age of Amnesia and Infotainment, are we owning our own thoughts?
ï If we are under ìpsychic hypnosisî would we know it?
ï How to we get back to being a "symbol literate" culture, and offset the worst effects of mind-control, addiction, delinquency and crime?
ï What are the techniques that are used by the media to dumb-down, and influence the youth?
ï Why are television programs, called "programs?" What do words like Lexus, Nissan, Coke, Visa, Nike, Fila, and Acura, etc., actually mean?
ï Why do corporations such as Levi Strauss and MTV screen girls as young as 5 and 6 years of age?
ï Why are banks and franchises designed to subliminally represent churches.
ï Can a corporation be psychotic?

Have you ever wondered whether the billion-dollar artifice of the media, and of the advertising conglomerates, has any lasting negative effect on your mind and behavior, or whether the young are particularly affected by the all-pervasive presence of ads? Is it rational to expect large ad-corporations to jeopardize their vast monopolies by becoming more responsible in the future? Can Madison Avenue agencies and other ìHidden-Persuadersî ever be held accountable, if it is discovered and proven that the glamorous creations of their industry do indeed have lasting negative effects on our minds and behavior? Is the new designer disease of our age ìAffluenza,î and is the consumer the consumed, in these times of excess and chronic commercialism? Can there be positive psychological, spiritual or social advancement, in a ìsymbol-illiterateî culture, more and more dependent on image, brand-logos and chimeras of the perfect, happy life, based on chronic competitiveness, material affluence and technical proficiency? Is there a connection between the rising levels of crime, substance abuse, inner psychological dysfunction, emotional disassociation, and the subversive use of power images and words in our culture? In this the sixth of the ìOrigins and Oraclesî series, Michael Tsarion reveals the occult meaning behind many of the brand-names and logos that infest our think- and mind-space. This thoroughly engrossing expose is compulsory viewing for members of the younger generation, who are under daily assault from a deadly arsenal of psychic weaponry designed to eradicate their moral sensibility and willpower. Michaelís scathing expose leaves the vague warnings of most media-critics far behind, and delves into areas were few others care, or even dare, to venture.

Michael Tsarion's Origins & Oracles - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology

from: Michael Tsarion`s : Origins and Oracles 22DVD-Series

Program 5:
Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology - DVD 1-3

Dauer: ~ 500min | Format: XviD | Grˆfle: 3900 MB | NFO
Download: DVD1-3 @ (ONLY ccf, dlc, rsdf)
Mirror #1: DVD1 @
Mirror #2: DVD2 @
Mirror #3: DVD3 @
Passwort: Uploader: Rasul

Releasetitel: Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology (DVDRip) by Rasul
Genre: Serien, Doku, Special

As long as you consider the stars as something above the head, you will lack the eye of knowledge - Fredrick Nietzsche

ï What connection do the symbols of government, religion, royalty and the corporate world have with the constellations and zodiac?
ï Who was Jesus Christ? What he really the son of God and founder of Christianity?
ï Is our culture Judeo-Christian, or Egytpo-Christian?
ï Why did the orthodox Church suppress the Gnostics, and massacre women for centuries?
ï What did Jesus mean when he said the Temple of God is within, and that others could do what he did?
ï Why did Jesus refer to himself as the ìMorning Star,î and ask his disciples to be as wise as ìserpents.î
ï Why was astrology and divination really prohibited?
ï In the commandments, why does the edict against ìmaking graven imagesî come before the edict against killing?
ï What do the symbols on flags, on heraldry, on money and on corporate logos, and in ads, mean?
ï Why are there so many cultural similarities when it comes to religion, race and tradition?
ï What are the solutions to the economic, political, social and psychological challenges of the future?

In Program Five, of the ìOrigins & Oraclesî series, we learn about the real origins and meaning of the term - ìHoly Spirit,î and we learn what humanity must do to secure its survival in the following years. We discover the actual roots of Christianity and find out what religious hierarchs have been hiding for over 2,000 years. Michael Tsarion investigates the suppression of women, the ecocidal tendency and the corruption in high places. Since, as Michael Tsarion says, the world elites have allegiances to hidden cults and secret societies, how can we expect them to honor their professed duties to humanity? In this all-revealing presentation we discover that the modern religions and political ideologies morphed out of seven great cults of power which ruled the world for millennia. The most powerful of these Cults was the ìStellar Cult,î dominant for over 10,000 years. Christ and the other Magi were initiates of this Cult, which gave mankind such sciences as astrology, astromancy, and the Tarot. Known as ìSerpents,î they were the architects of the great temple structures such as the pyramids and the Sphinx. After the great Cults became corrupted they eventually gave rise to the modern exploitative religious and political hierarchies that prey off society today. We are still controlled by the elite bloodlines of these secret orders which continue to lead the world toward ruin and chaos. In this astounding presentation, Michael Tsarion demonstrates how religion and politics work to shape both the events around you, and the thoughts within you. ìAstro-Theologyî reveals the nature of the psychic and spiritual desecration which covertly operates upon us daily, and unlike the majority of other experts and researchers, Michael offers provocative solutions to our social and psychic predicaments.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ron Paul Grills Bernanke: “You Can’t Reinflate The Bubble”

Why Resistance Is Essential

WeAreCHANGE Rhode Island & Boston Confront John Yoo

Author F. William Engdahl on Alex Jones Tv

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Alex Jones Tv:Alex promotes Youtube Director:aenfroy87"The Obama Fraud"

Alex Jones Tv:Alex promotes Youtube Director "aenfroy87"

OK(Sen) Randy Brogdon on Alex Jones Tv

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Photo Evidence: Soldiers Marching in Hayden, Idaho

Tx (Sen) Dan Patrick on Alex Jones Tv:Mexico's Border Wars are out of Control!!

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Marty Schachter on Alex Jones Tv:All Natural Healthy Soap products

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dr. Edwin Viera on Alex Jones Tv

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Bill Petroski on Alex Jones Tv

Alex Jones Tv: The Eugenics Games

Alex Jones Tv: Alan Keys Review

Chip Harrison on Alex Jones Tv: "Obama Sign Taken away by Local Police!"

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The Alex Jones Show: "Obama Zombies Want Infowars off The Air!

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Lawmaker Warns Of “Forced Servitude” Under Obama

Monday, February 23, 2009

David Lynch - The Alphabet

Stop Forced Fluoride Medication Rally: Brisbane

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ron Paul on Real Time with Bill Maher

Iowa National Guard Lt. Colonel on Alex Jones Tv: "It's for your Safety!"

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Tx-Rep. Leo Berman on Alex Jones Tv: "The Tenth Amendment!!"

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Former Canadian Prime Minister, ‘give up a little bit of our sovereignty to make the world work’

WeAreChangeAZ: Barack Obama in Phoenix Arizona 2-18-09

Friday, February 20, 2009

'Copwatch' activist catches Chicago officer roughing up bus passenger

NYU Occupation Riot and TBNYU Scurry Away

Breakfast with Peter Phillips - 'Propaganda & the US Media'

United States Senator Ron Wyden on Chemtrails

Shawn & Craig (AUS) on Alex JonesTv:"Conspiracy Hunters"

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The Alex Jones Show:Iowa National Guard to Train for Gun Confiscation!!!

MT-Rep. Joel Boniek on The Alex Jones Show

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Alex Jones Tv:Youtube Video was a HOAX!!

Mike Rivero on Alex JonesTV

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Bob Dacy on Alex Jones Tv

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Alan Watt on The Alex Jones Show

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Lindsey Williams on Alex Jones Tv"Final Stage is Set for Global Control"

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J.T. Coyote on Alex Jones Tv:State Rights

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Alex Jones on Coast to Coast AM:The Republic Strikes Back!

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Youtuber"TRUTHED"on The Alex Jones Show:Internet 2 is NOT for You!!

Alex Jones on 590 KLBJ AM:The Line in The Sand!!

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Dems Use "Stimulus" as Cover for More Gun Control!

NH-Rep.Dan Itse on Alex Jones Tv"Don't Tread On Me!!"

9/11 Activist Killed In Buffalo Plane Crash!!

Is FEMA & DHS preparing for mass graves and martial law near Chicago?

9/11 Widow Beverly Eckert, 1951-2009

Brzezinski’s Fear: Class Warfare and Destruction of the New World Order

Core of Corruption: In The Shadows - Official Trailer of 1st of Five Films

WeAreChange Ohio Confronts Joseph Nye

WeAreChange Live Sunday Show

Who's Keeping Burger King Workers Below the Poverty Line?

World Bank creating poverty

Skateboarding Is A Crime In Milton Florida

Google - Behind the Screen- Big Brother

The U.S.-made Soviet trap

Bigger Frauds Then Madoff

SEC Ignored Warnings About Madoff: AP

Cynthia McKinney, Green Party Presidential Candidate, Endorses Core of Corruption

Friday, February 13, 2009

Michael Tsarion's - Irish Origins of Civilization (2 excerpts)

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Obama Fraud: An Open Video to Barack Obama Supporters

Robert Wanek On The Corbett Report: Time To Wake Up!

WFA/NWO/World Government - Walter Cronkite "I'M GLAD TO SIT ON THE RIGHT HAND OF SATAN"

The Matrix- Perception - The reality beyond matter

Monday, February 9, 2009

Dr. Paul on the Senate Stimulus “Compromise”

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Alex JonesTV - Brainwashing and Propaganda on TV

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Alex Jones Tv: The Weimar Republic & Fairness Doctrine!

Bob Chapman & Steve Watson on The Alex Jones Show:HR 2 & 3

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Dr.Stan Monteith on Alex Jones Tv

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Peter J. Wallison on Alex Jones Tv:Problem-Reaction-Solution

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Peter Schiff on The Alex Jones Show:End of The American Empire!

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Mike Rivero on Alex Jones Tv:The Rise of Rahm Emanuel!!

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Friday, February 6, 2009

IFC Movie Trailer: New World Order

D/L: (Torrent)

Olbermann: 'It may be time for Mr. Cheney to leave this country

This video is from MSNBC's Countdown, broadcast Feb. 5, 2009.

Fox host: 9/11 truthers are 'mentally ill'

Campaign To Save Lives

Consciousness Over Uniformity

WeAreCHANGE Gulf Coast - Superbowl

Cop Watch- These Streets Are Watching

We Are Change Paris face à Rama Yade - 20/01/09

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hackers clone passports in drive-by RFID heist

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Alex Jones MAYDAY

my Slimmed Down Version... Please Post EVERYWHERE !!!

Rahm Emmanuel to Disarm America

Alex Jones Tv:Ruled by The Mob!

Daniel Hamburg on Alex Jones Tv: HR 645

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Monday, February 2, 2009

Ralph​ Nader​ descr​ibes Alex Jones​

KRS-One: Wake-Up!!!

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Kurt Nimmo on Alex Jones Tv:Hosted by Bob Dacy"Taxpayers Funded Abortions of Black Babies?"

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Ted Anderson on Alex Jones Tv:The Coming Boom in GOLD!

Everybody Knows

Professor Griff of Public Enemy Against Obama & NWO

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The Age of Transitions

Converging technology, transhumanism, and our future in the making. The cutting edge group known as transhumanists see a beautiful future brought about by artificial intelligence, life extension, and cybernetics. What one must realize before getting carried away with such utopian dreams is that transhumanism was born out of the elitist pseudo-science eugenics. This documentary provides vital information on the history of eugenics and its new cutting edge transformation.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kymatica (The sequel to ESOTERIC AGENDA)

Glenn Beck - The Inconvenient Debt! The Federal Reserve and Inflation - 01-29-0

Awaken from Darkness The Game Of Enlightment

Illuminati Symbolism: It's Everywhere

Awaken - The Game Begins - GoldRing 1A

Hashemsfilms - The Secret Behind Performing Magic

The Reality As You Know It Does Not Exist

Days before leaving office, Bush's lawyer told Rove not to turn over any documents

Senator wants pay cap for Wall Street 'idiots'